Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Week in Review

I was going along quite nicely there for about a week. Posts nearly every day. But finding time to blog with work and two little ones sometimes doesn't equal out nicely to nearly every day. Case in point, I just had to settle a fight over a matchbox car (keep in mind we have enough matchbox cars to fill a plastic bin AND a suitcase made especially for matchbox car storage). I've kept notes all week however, just itching to get my fingers moving, but not finding the time. Till now of course.

I have no dates, just random notes so that's how they'll be presented.

Alas, the unthinkable was confirmed recently. Dumbledore is indeed dead. I've spent an entire year laboring under the delusion that the gentle wise wizard had just pulled a Gandalf, had just taken a Draught of Living Death, anything but died. All my hopes were dashed when J K Rowling pulled this out of her hat at an August 2nd reading in NYC. I know people think I'm odd, throwing myself into the Harry Potter universe as I do. I can't fully explain it. I have a tendency to take people and adopt them as my mentors (unbeknownst to them of course). I praise their words, deeds, knowledge. I watch their shows, or read their books, or listen to what they have to say in one way or another because I trust them as experts. Maybe I didn't have enough role models growing up that I seek them out so eagerly in adulthood. I can't fully explain it. But I digress. My point is that delving into Rowling's universe is exciting, it's engaging, and having the opportunity to share a massive puzzle with millions of people is a thrill. When she announced Dumbledore is indeed dead, she said that she wanted people to move on with the grieving process. She's right. Now I can move past that particular hurdle, as sad and hard to accept as it is, and set out to put the rest of the pieces together before the last book comes out. Only my fellow Harry Potter fans can truly understand this but I hope I've at least explained my obesssion a tiny bit.

I had to go into the office for a couple hours yesterday to do an upgrade on our computer system when no one was on it (don't I sound important). I left my little ones at home napping with daddy. As always, I turned on Pottercast in the car, but I couldn't concentrate. I finally paused it and called myself at work (I do that a lot). If I can get myself back into that feeling, I'd like to describe the drive for you. It was an unseasonably cool day yesterday, but instead of making me comfortable, it just made me long for autumn, all two weeks of it (that's all we get here in NC). I had on my trusty clip-on sunglasses (best $200 I've ever spent were on these eyeglasses with sunglasses attachment) which served to make the sky bluer, the grass and trees greener, and gave the whole drive a very dream-like trance. I love drives like that. Usually I hate driving, always have. My sister and I used to fight over who was going to drive to and from school. But at times like yesterday morning, when there's a slight breeze in the air, just enough to make it feel like you've wrapped up with a light blanket on a chilly night, when the world seems like for that moment that nothing has gone wrong, when you almost have to shake yourself awake and make yourself concentrate on the road, during those times, I'd rather be driving than anywhere in the world.

Well, I've spent as much time today as I can allow. The interruptions are starting to take longer and come at more frequent intervals so it's time I pay sole attention to the family. My last note, which really was a thought that ran through my head several times this week, was that I need to start a novel blog. The thing is, I'm in an inspiration slump. All I want to do is fingerpaint what I see, trees, sky, whatever. Maybe if I can draw it out, I can people it and come up with a story to match. We'll see.


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