Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Sunday, August 06, 2006


The differences in my two little ones become even more evident when I have the luxury of just sitting next to the bathtub, watching them play. Is it due to age or personality? Is the right brain working more than the left?

Say-say draws carefully on the side of the tub with his bath crayons. "Look Momma look!" He says it's a factory (can't quite get a handle on what type of factory it is). "Momma , what comes out of the crayon when it gets smushed up? Momma? Momma!" I explain that I really don't know; regular crayons are made of wax but I don't think tub crayons are.

Bobo has a bath visor around his neck. It's supposed to be on his head so the inevitable screeching doesn't ensue when the water gets into his eyes, but Bobo is a very strong-willed little boy (just like his brother). Now he's pushing the green fish through the water making "Psh Psh" noises. I can't remember Say-say ever doing that.

The crayons are a source of great amazement. We'd put them up on top of the cabinet so Bobo wouldn't eat them, but it seemed like the right time to pull them out. Bobo uses the blue one to draw as high up on the wall as he can get, then gets in the water to color his toes. Say-say, on the other hand, is telling me a story with the black one (the pink one was abandoned when it failed to live up to its potential). The monster has reappeared, this time in footprints. Say-say cackles and quickly uses the loofah to erase everything off the walls (saving me the agonizing decision "should it stay or should it go?").

Bobo gets out first, very upset about his pickled fingers which he refers to as "bubbles". Once Say-say has erased all their artwork, he's out next. They take off naked through the house.


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