Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Sunday, July 23, 2006

1st Blog Ever

So I'm sitting in my living room, watching the latest on CNN, and reading knit blogs on the internet when it occurs to me, "Hey, what a great way to track progress on my knitting projects (which I should be working on right now instead of reading knit blogs)". So here's my attempt at a blog. I know nothing about blogging or html, haven't even had a web page in 9 years (member the days when everyone had a web page from a free homepage site, ah to be young and clueless again!) But I've decided that this is going to be fun. I'm going to use this to keep my family updated, to keep my knitting projects straight, to throw my two cents in regarding news stories and outrageous Harry Potter Book 7 theories. My idea is to have a link on the right to go to each one of those special interests, but at the moment I need to figure out how to do just that...before the children wake up from their naps...


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