Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I'm really enjoying this blog thing. I've decided to let my family in on this. Mainly because I want to share the newest great news. My 4-year-old, we'll call him Say-say, has been in speech therapy since December of 2004. When he first started, we were teaching him sign language just so we could try and figure out what he wanted (chocolate milk for example). He only had about a 10-20 word vocabulary. He has come so far, his teacher, Ms. Kim, has said we'll start winding down and may be done in the next month! I'm so excited but sad too. He really enjoys seeing her every week. We're going to have to find something for him to do at the same time so he at least has the experience of leaving the house at the same time. He's not in preschool and probably won't be in any kind of school environment until kindergarten so he really needs something to break up the day.

My day was much better today. Partly because of the great news above, partly because I got to go to our other office to work. It's always so much more relaxing over there. At first, it really seemed like this morning was a continuation of yesterday. I had another girl call out (different girl, different reason), and when I called the other supervisor to let her know, I found out there was a wreck due to the out-of-nowhere downpour (the same one I got caught in going to work 45 minutes later) so she had been a half hour late getting in (the rain also resulted in several of our doctors' first appointments being 15-20 minutes late which is always a great start to the day). There were several other snafu's that would only make sense to the people working in the office with me so I'll spare you the boring details. Let's just say, I wasn't having the best morning. And then I got the great news about Say-say. The sun literally came out on the way back.

The little one's bugging me right now so I'll come to a close. Better day than yesterday.


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