Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Monday, August 28, 2006

I Don't Like Mondays

You know that line in Hitchhiker's Guide, where Arthur says "It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays." I just can't seem to get the hang of Mondays. They tend to be chaotic and miserable. Today of course was no exception.

I've got this melancholy cloud hanging over me, and it tended to color everything I thought and did today. I'm having boss issues, which is never a good thing, but when your boss goes from halfway decent to snapping witch in one day, just what are you supposed to do? (I suppose a British "what is one to do?" is in order here, but I can't remember how they say it.) So I'm going to rant here since I'm pretty sure no one with whom I currently work reads this.

Our "Practice Administrator" (hereafter known as the Ice Queen) has pushed me to the edge these past few days. I really don't know what crawled up her ass and died, but she has been incredibly snappish and dismissive to both me and the other front office supervisor. I won't bore you with specifics and tech talk, but suffice it to say she has treated us like so much dirt on her shoe. And our dear Nurse Supervisor (hereafter known as Nurse Ratchett) has got me so aggravated I feel like I'm floating on the tension. (Ever been so tense you felt like you could blast off?) At one point today I really wanted to just throw my hands up and say "If you think you can run my department too, have at it." I don't know why people like to pretend they know what they're talking about when there's an obvious expert standing in front of them. I know, I know, I'm not as assertive as I should be, but I'm not that person. Why can't we all just get along?

Oh, and Ernesto is headed our way. Last time a tropical storm came over top of us, everything was flooded for hours. It made for interesting TV but insane traffic. Of course, anything's better than Katrina, obviously. I'm sitting here struggling not to cry as I listen to Anderson Cooper replay the coverage from last year.

Changing topic for a moment, aren't coincidences exciting? Gary turned the channel to VH1 Classic tonight (a channel we never watch) because Elvis Costello was on (a family favorite). Fiona Apple was singing with him (of all people). Now the coincidence is that I had just read in the "Parade" magazine that comes in my Sunday paper that Apple is her middle name, and her last name is actually Maggart.
K - we watched a channel we never watch, and I read some random fact about one of the performers. Exciting right? They eventually sang "What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?". I called myself at work (told you I do that a lot) so I'd remember to change my screensaver tomorrow to show the lyrics to that song.
So what part of this is going to show up next? Something else regarding Elvis C? Something regarding Fiona (these things tend to come in threes with me)? Or will someone point me in a new direction from what they exclaim when they read my new screensaver? I'll keep you posted.

K, time to pay some attention to Anderson Cooper. He's in the lower 9th Ward. What a guy.


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