Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Much Too Long

I've been away much too long. I apologize profusely. Let me bring you up-to-date.
In the weeks that I've been quiet, I've been knitting fiendishly. I've been reading Harry Potter, trying to get my notes caught up, and coming up with new and completely bizarre theories (Voldemort killed Hepzibah Smith and disappeared the same year Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald hmmm).
Also, a friend found out she had breast cancer. She had her left breast removed and is recovering nicely, but for a week or two, we were all incredibly concerned. I last talked to her on Monday when she was still waiting on lab results, scheduling doctor appointments, etc. She's amazingly upbeat and an incredible woman. (She's the one I mentioned a while ago as being such "a truly together person who actually tries to help and keep an upbeat and positive attitude." I've been keeping her up with Harry Potter info, trying to keep her mind occupied.
In case anyone cares, I got an "E" on the Wombat test 2, the same score I got on my Wombat test 1. I was going for the "O", but I know exactly which questions I missed. Ah twell, there's one more left. (It's a thing, if you're not a Harry Potter fan, just skip it.)
The beach trip went ok. I have a hard time being in an environment where I can't schedule and control the details (my mom calls me a control-freak), so it could have gone better. The best time was on the beach. Say-say played in the sand, Bobo played in the surf, G- and I swam in the ocean, we had a great time. My sister and her family came as well as my mom. It was nice all being together on a trip. But we'll wait a few years before we try something like that again.
This has been a long month, but it's seemed to go by incredibly quickly. I'll try to keep up my blogging now that I don't have any pressing projects with time-limits.


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