Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What's Next

Have you ever had one of those days/weeks where you just weren't sure where you fit into the scheme of things? Like everything was pointing you somewhere, but all the signs were written in a language you only halfway recognized?
I know this is a product of the rain, the moon, the Sunday switch, but I have an uneasy feeling that continues to come and go.

The Sunday switch for the last 3 visits has taken place in the rain. Every time I watch the kids ride off, this lonesome feeling comes over me. I miss them so much. I try to look for the positive. I'm almost done knitting a scarf. I've watched tv shows that I've ignored for months. I'm able to read for hours at a time. But it doesn't replace those laughs and smiles. I know I'll see them Sunday. I look forward to it.

The rain has been relentless here. My mother's pond is so full, we're just waiting for the goldfish to try and make a break for it. I don't mind the rain, I usually like it, but when it's every single weekend for a month, I need a break. And this past weekend was the worst. Friday and Sunday both were dreary all day, then horrible tornado-infested storms broke out everywhere. People who know me know tornadoes terrify me. It's not the thunder or the lightning; I'm not a child after all. It's the destructive wind that makes me hunker down next to the computer and check the radar every three minutes. ("Is it breaking up yet? Is that line hooking? Has the tornado watch lifted?") I've only seen a tornado once, a long distance off, but back then I didn't know at what I was looking. I didn't realize the power behind them until I moved to Raleigh and had my first tornado warning (unfortunately not the last). That one took off a steeple one town down.

Enough of the dreariness. Let me share with you a website listed on one of my favorite blogs. It helped break up the scariness and brought me back to light. May you be blessed.

PS: As I was filling in the links, I realized that I've been working on a rainy day scarf for quite a few weeks. I suppose I should hurry up and finish it. Maybe this weekend will actually end up sunny as a result!