Suzy Q's Life

*Things I Like * Things I Don't Like*

Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Few Minutes to Catch My Breath

This has been a terribly busy two weeks. Generally, I do try and post at least once a week to appease those one or two faithful readers who rely on this as their only contact with me (sorry M-C), but I spent all last weekend feverishly sewing monkey costumes for the boys. Why all last weekend you ask? Say-say's former speech therapist was having a fall festival last Tuesday, and I wanted Say-say to say hi to her again (she hadn't seen him since the end of August.) Last year, Say-say went as a dinosaur and Bobo as Thomas the Tank Engine. This year, Say-say wanted to be a monkey, and Bobo, in the grand tradition of little brothers, wanted the same. Which, of course, meant that there were no monkey costumes in the entire county. I decided to try out the sewing machine Mom gave me at the beach trip. Once I got past the breakdown at realizing I knew nothing about sewing and needles and cloth, it went fairly well. Bobo's took a day and a half, Say-say's an afternoon. I'd post a picture here, but I'm not incredibly wild about the way the costumes laid (lied? :}) over their sweats. Much too bulky in my opinion so I'll be sure to take a picture Halloween instead. That night's supposed to be a little warm anyway. That's Raleigh for you. The fair comes, the temperature drops like a rock, but for one night (Halloween), it always seems to be nice. Hard to gauge year to year when buying costumes, but there you go.
As for work, the drama's still there, but it was a nice couple weeks all the same. I've had some interesting lunches and some even more interesting conversations, and I must say, I'm excited to see everything work out. And I'll leave it there.
I'll post more Halloween as time permits.